Showing posts with label Mods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mods. Show all posts

Saturday, July 9, 2011

20 Custom Cars Geeks Will Love

Those geeky car mods are a great tribute to the movies, video games and other stuff they are inspired from.

Whether they can actually be driven or not, they’re all just great!

X-Wing Fighter Car Mod

Star Wars Lanspeeder

Jawa Sandcrawler

Pacman Pimp My Ride

Pacman Gullwing Doors

Pacman’s Fat Boy

Mini Pacman and Space Invaders Cooper

Pacman Hot Rod

Batmobile Remakes

Ghostbuster’s Ecto

Back to the Future Delorean

H.R. Giger Alien Car

The Invisible Skoda

Carpucino Car Mod

Xbox 360 Car Mod

Circuit Board Car

Real Bumper Car

Pyramid Electric Car

Lego Jeep

Lego Car

Monday, July 4, 2011

Gas Stove Computer Case Mod

This is one of the most creative computer case mods we've seen. Built as a mini replica of a large gas stove, its many features include gas burners (meticulously made with plastic and blue LEDs), and it even has a bottom drawer that pops out exposing the DVD drive.

Czeck modder Zbyšek built the entire system by hand, including welding together the metal chassis, and creating custom plastic knobs and the fake burners out of acrylic.

Inside the oven door, you’ll find a fully functional PC, running a Pentium D820 3.5 GHz CPU, with 2GB of DDR2 RAM, and an nVidia 9600GT graphics card. And the DVD-RW drive is hidden in the bottom drawer where you’d usually put your spare pans.
